Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effect of Force and Mass on Acceleration Essay

Abstract: In this lab there were two principals investigated. The first was the relationship between applied force and acceleration. The second was the relationship between mass and acceleration. To study these two relationships, my partners and I used a dynamic cart with added mass on it. This cart was then attached to a pulley system on a â€Å"frictionless track† where it was pulled by a string bearing mass over the edge of a table. In the first relationship tested, applied force and acceleration, mass was moved from being on the cart to being on the end of the pulley. My partners and I measured the acceleration with the LabQuest computer every time the cart was released. In order to test the relationship between mass and acceleration, my group added different amounts of mass to the cart and measured the changes in acceleration. From all of the data collected we concluded that force and acceleration have a direct, linear relationship. We also determined that mass and accele ration have an inverse, quadratic relationship. Background: When my lab partners and I started this lab, we came in knowing some background information on what we were doing and the concepts involved. We knew that we had to determine the relationships between acceleration in a system and the net force acting on the system. We also knew that we had to discover the relationship between acceleration and mass in the system. Some major concepts we had to understand prior to the lab were Newton’s Fist Law of Motion, acceleration, net forces, and inertia. Newton’s first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, with the same speed and direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force. This is important because we were aware that when an object is moving at constant velocity there is a net force of zero. This gave my group our basic understanding of acceleration, a rate of change of velocity over time; because we realized that when there is an unequal net force the object must be accelerating/ decelerating. This also allowed my group to understand how net forces work, which is especially important since this lab consists of net forces that are not zero. Because the track the cart rode on was considered to be â€Å"frictionless,† my group used our prior knowledge to assume that the only unbalanced force in the system was from the horizontal tension in the string. My groups’ understanding that inertia is an objects’ tendency to stay at rest and resist motion helped us during the lab as well. With this background knowledge we were able to perform the appropriate experiments to gain the correct results for our lab. Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to determine the relationship between mass and acceleration. Another purpose was to determine the relationship between the acceleration in a system and the net force that is acting on the system. We wanted to deepen our understanding of these relationships by proving already known theories for ourselves. Hypothesis: If the mass of the cart is kept constant but the net force of the system increases (hanging weight over the pulley), then the acceleration will increase. The acceleration will increase because a larger force will cause the object to move faster. This is because as the forces become more unbalanced in the horizontal axis the easier it is for an object to overcome its inertial tendency to stay at rest. However, if the mass of the cart changes but the force is kept constant, then the acceleration will decrease. This will happen because the heavier the object is the more force needed in order for it to move. Adding mass would increase the object’s inertial tendency to stay at rest. Lab Drawing: Procedure: To test the relationship between acceleration and force (constant mass) my lab partners and I set up a metal cart on a metal â€Å"frictionless† track. The cart had a string attached to it that ran over a pulley, alongside the edge of the table, where it was connected to a hanging mass (as the above drawing indicates). We hooked up a LabQuest data logger to the track in order to document the carts acceleration while being pulled by the hanging weight. My lab partners and I then placed two 500 gram blocks on the cart in addition to five 50 gram masses. On the end of the string hanging was a 50 gram mass. The cart was then released from its held position on the track, and the hanging weight caused the cart to accelerate. This acceleration was documented by the LabQuest data logger. My partners and I performed three trials and then found the average acceleration. Once the average acceleration was calculated, we took a 50 gram mass from on top of the cart to the hanging mass. The cart was released and the LabQuest data logger documented this new acceleration. We did this three times as well. My partners and I did this until all of the 50 gram masses were transferred from above the cart to onto the hanging string (6 different forces, 15 different trials). After this was completed we found the applied force by multiplying the hanging mass by 9.8 m/s2 (acceleration due to gravity). We then plotted the points and graphed the data to discover the relationship. To test the second relationship, mass and acceleration, my lab partners and I used the same cart and pulley set up on the â€Å"frictionless† track. We calculated the mass of the cart prior to adding any more mass, which was about 500 grams. Once we discovered this number we added five 500 gram masses to the cart. We released this cart three times, using a constant force, and had the LabQuest document the acceleration. We then found the average acceleration for the 3 kg cart. After, we removed one 500 gram mass from the cart. We released the cart three times with this new mass and found its individual and average acceleration. We repeated these steps until all of the 500 gram masses were removed from the cart, and then tested the cart with no added mass (6 different masses, 18 different trials). Once completed, this data was plotted and graphed, and the relationship determined.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American Childhood Essay

In the book An American Childhood, Annie Dillard tells many different stories throughout her life to support her main purpose. Dillard’s purpose in this book is to show us how we look at everything thing in an aw when we are young, but once we reach a certain age, life just hits us and we don’t see anything in an aw anymore once we reach adulthood. In part one, Dillard shows us her life through her eyes and how she sees everything in that aw. She tells us how amazing it is to find the dime in the dark alley that she believes is an awesome place. If Dillard was to walk through this same ally in part three of this book, she probably wouldn’t care about the alley because she doesn’t see anything in an aw anymore. As Dillard gets older, different things appeal to her eyes when she is wondering the streets. In part one, she was so interested in the dime from the dark alley, and then in part two, Dillard was curious about the strand man with beer in the back of his truck and the morse code. As the book goes on, Dillard develops a stronger meaning in life and has a wider vocabulary selection. When reading the three different parts in the book, you can see the change in age because her stories seem to not be as happy because she isn’t living in that aw life. Dillard celebrates just living life, the wonders of the world and what amazing things it has to offer. She shows us how we perceive those possibilities as we are young and when we become older, what nature the world can be as we explore it. In Part three Dillard because a whole new person, or so she thinks. She loses all the aw she had as a child and realized how she can make her own decisions in life, she doesn’t have to listen to anyone and she didn’t like that. Dillard states â€Å"I was growing and thinning, as if pulled. I was getting angry, as if pushed. I morally disapproved most things in North America, and blamed my innocent parents for them. My feelings deepened and lingered. The swift moods of early childhood-each formed by and suited to its occasion-vanished. Now feelings lasted so long they left stains† (Dillard 2220). Dillard didn’t feel the support to help her in decision making from her parents anymore and she disliked that. During this â⠂¬Å"chapter†, Dillard really takes the turn for the worst and starts to make some bad decisions. She tells us how â€Å" She couldn’t remember how to forget herself†( Dillard 224). This shows how life hit her like a brick wall and she isn’t seeing life in an aw now and she doesn’t like a single second of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Of Location Choice For Existing Organisation Business Essay

Case Of Location Choice For Existing Organisation Business Essay for an organisation. One of the key features of a conversion process manufacturing system is the efficiency with which the products services are transferred to the customers.This fact will include the determination of where to place the plant or facility.The selection of location is a key-decision as large investment is made in building plant and machinery. It is not advisable or not possible to change the location very often. So an improper location of plant may lead to waste of all the investments made in building and machinery, equipment. Before a location for a plant is selected, long range forecasts should be made anticipating future needs of the company. The plant location should be based on the company’s expansion plan and policy, diversification plan for the products, changing market conditions, the changing sources of raw materials and many other factors that influence the choice of the location decision. The purpose of the location study is to find an optimum locati on one that will result in the greatest advantage to the organization. The need for selecting a suitable location arises because of three situations. When starting a new organisation, i.e., location choice for the first time. In case of existing organisation. In case of Global Location. In Case of Location Choice for the First Time or New Organisations Cost economies are always important while selecting a location for the first time, but should keep in mind the cost of long-term business/organisational objectives. The following are the factors to be considered while selecting the location for the new organisations: Identification of region: The organisational objectives along with the various long-term considerations about marketing, technology, internal organisational strengths and weaknesses, region specific resources and business environment, legal-governmental environment, social environment and geographical environment suggest a suitable region for locating the operations facil ity. Choice of a site within a region: Once the suitable region is identified, the next step is choosing the best site from an available set. Choice of a site is less dependent on the organisation’s long-term strategies. Evaluation of alternative sites for their tangible and intangible costs will resolve facilities-location problem. The problem of location of a site within the region can be approached with the following cost-oriented non-interactive model, i.e., dimensional analysis. Dimensional analysis: If all the costs were tangible and quantifiable, the comparison and selection of a site is easy. The location with the least cost is selected. In most of the cases intangible costs which are expressed in relative terms than in absolute terms. Their relative merits and demerits of sites can also be compared easily. Since both tangible and intangible costs need to be considered for a selection of a site, dimensional analysis is used. In Case of Location Choice for Existing Org anisation In this case a manufacturing plant has to fit into a multi-plant operations strategy. That is, additional plant location in the same premises and elsewhere under following circumstances: Plant manufacturing distinct products. Manufacturing plant supplying to specific market area.

The Human Resource Frame Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Human Resource Frame Paper - Essay Example In the case of a more complex situation such as an instructor working in multiple countries (Europe), where various laws may apply, a team may be assembled temporarily to solve the problem. This team would then disband when the issue has been resolved. Berlitz is applying the international management strategy - think globally, work locally. Interpersonal dynamics can hold numerous complexities because of the vast differences in not only personalities of the employees, but, in the case of Berlitz, in cultures. As discussed in McShane & Von Glinow (2005) if a person has worked with individuals from other countries or has been expatriated, that person knows how different the values, decision-making, behavior, and relations with one another can be. Individualism versus collectivism is mentioned in cross-cultural studies, along with power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and achievement nurturing. Berlitz shows on their Internet site, tips for each of the cultures the applicant is conside ring or new employees will be entering. This information is designed to ease the transition and ensure there is a good fit for the employee, the student, and the school when there are differences in background and/or culture. Since 2000 the company has expanded primarily through the use of the franchise concept, leaving the corporate offices to be the support arm for the core operations (Berlitz International, Inc., 2001). McShane & Von Glinow (2005) discuss the concepts of centralization versus decentralization, which have to do with company size and decision-making. Berlitz is a decentralized structure, which leads to the boss and subordinate interfaces being handled primarily at the language learning center rather than through corporate. Learning centers vary in size and staff makeup. Some centers are owner/operators while others are quite large with specialized areas found to be departmentalized such as children’s language programs, train the trainer departments, accounti ng, and sales. In the case of the language center this report is following, the boss subordinate interfaces could be intermittent, since the District Manager may handle the role for the Language Center Director. Employees may look to their peers or those employees with longer length of service for guidance on an informal basis. This is not a bad thing as long as that guidance coincides with what the District Manager and the Sales Manager may have in mind for the growth of the center. Since organizations and people need one another, the language center may have allowed informal interactions to replace formal interactions when it helps the organization and the employee (Bolman & Deal, 2008). The general philosophy for managing people is: â€Å"Berlitz is a member of the Benesse Holding Group, a leading Japanese provider of products and services for language/global leadership training, education and lifestyle. Berlitz’s management philosophy is based on five principles: Total c ustomer orientation; Open and active participation; A spirit of innovation and challenge; A superior business structure; Strategically oriented planning† (Berlitz Language, Inc., Management Team, 2011). From a Bolman & Deal (2008) human resource frame, this statement provides employees with a foundation of how management and the organization will serve them. Continuing with the employee value proposition: â€Å"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Technology and Issues with Modern Communication Essay

Technology and Issues with Modern Communication - Essay Example e benefits of modern technology to an effective communication, there are also four words that pose challenges that we should think about – Communication, Ubiquitous, Consequential, & Complex†. Today, the internet and mobile phones are one of the mostly used medium of communication as it provides real-time messages to be exchanged, not to mention the affordability of doing so. However, we can see a paradigm shift in the kind of messages we now create – from detailed sentences to communicate as sending letters would always put pressure on enveloping the whole message before sending it out because of the time it will take to get to the recipient and the cost, convenience we now enjoy with modern technology makes us shift to a conversational way of communicating (Thomas, M.). Thus, most of the time, we fail to establish the story or the purpose of a message and go directly to the main point which somehow fails to deliver the point to a recipient. The next challenge would be the ubiquitous & consequential quality of modern technology. We all know that technologies that aid us to communicate are universal. Everyone now has easy access to it. However, one downside to this would be the fact that everyone desires to get a hold of the faster gadget available with more features for a better exchange of messages without really taking time to get proper education on how to use it. Thus, increased spending, not getting the most of a certain gadget, and at the same time lessened person to person interaction is diminished because of the proliferation of social media. Also, modern technology being deemed to be consequential to the quality of life has a strong tendency to be merely an object that describes a status quo instead of being used as an instrument to establish lasting and sustainable peer interaction, friendships, and successful business transactions. Lastly, as with great power comes great responsibility, one of the downsides of modern technology would be the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sustainability in construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sustainability in construction - Essay Example For example, the UK national Grid has planned to cut domestic emissions by 45% by 2029, while the European Union countries are in agreement to harness more than 20% of their energy from renewable sources by 2020; U.K’s target is15% (Huang & Infield, 2002). In addition, Scotland and UK have plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050, and a proposed reduction of about 42% by 2020 to curb the climate change threat (Tecs Home Energy Survey Report, 2010). Therefore, as the two articles indicate, energy usage in both domestic and in industrial applications has led to an environmental threat that has been caused by increasing global warming, as a result of carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Jones in the article Reducing emissions through energy efficiency correctly articulates that energy usage in buildings contribute to almost half of carbon emissions in U.K. This is in line with the figures indicated by Tecs Home Energy Survey Report (2010). As Jones illustrates, the UK government has come up with different measures in trying to reduce carbon emissions in line with 2010 proposed emission reductions. ... tial stages of industrialization results from the increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere; this has resulted in the continued climate change, with temperatures in the U.K expected to increase by between 2 to 3.5 degrees centigrade this century. Therefore the intergovernmental panel set up to address this issue according to this report suggested building codes and designs that would eliminate any need for mechanical cooling in homes, which has been attributed to considerable portion of global warming gases in the atmosphere. The report suggests a new perspective in building and construction on how buildings might have special features, which might be responsive to climate changes, and which anticipate and are in accordance with future climate trends. Likewise, Jones in Reducing emissions through energy efficiency concurs with this argument and asserts that energy demand has to be maintained to a minimum by adopting more responsible designs, and adopting the use of renewa ble energy sources. This would include minimizing uncontrolled air infiltration through effective designs, and adopting natural ventilations. Generally according to Jones, this may be only achieved through an integrated design team to ensure harmonization, and good interactions between the various disciplines involved in building designs. This is an effective approach in reducing domestic energy usage, noting that more than 46 % of energy usage in U.K is through air conditioning, heating, cooling, and other general usage that may be controlled through proper designs (TECs Home Energy Survey Report, 2010). However, the article thermal comfort in a 21st century Climate puts much emphasizes on the need to control energy through responsible use of energy by tenants. The article suggests the use

Friday, July 26, 2019

Anti Discrimination Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Anti Discrimination Law - Case Study Example Discrimination is strictly condemned and discouraged everywhere in Europe, though there are slight differences between the European law and the English law in the determination of rights and obligations delegated by the constitution to the public at large. It is, therefore, the courts and tribunals adjudicating the cases, both civil and criminal in nature, take into serious consideration the facts regarding whether there is any sign of prejudiced behavior made by any member or organization of society while dealing with the complainant or treating as well as interacting with him under the biased attitude. In addition, the law forbids bestowing of more favors to anyone because of his personality traits and features. The provisions of law aim to set up a society where equality, justice, and fair play can be observed in all walks of life. Hence several acts have been issued and bills have been passed in order to combat the discrimination dilemma with an iron hand. Though law always recom mends equality and justice to all and sundry, it is not actually the case in reality. On the contrary, exploitation of minority groups and biased behavior towards the weaker stratum of society is actually in vogue in almost all societies of the world. Before embarking upon the topic under study, it would be advisable to define anti-discrimination law. Anti-discrimination law refers to the statute of law that prohibits any special rights or privileges to the individuals belonging to some particular race, gender, ethnicity, age group or towards the persons obtaining any physical as well as mental abilities or disabilities. The law also prohibits violation and condemnation of human rights of the individuals on the basis of their innate characteristics.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 20

Business Law - Essay Example This is quite apart from the enormous waste of a valuable resource such as oil, which the world can ill afford during a time of fuel scarcity. The incident invokes environmental law, because BP is a British organization whilst the major part of the environmental damage has been caused to the United States. With increasing globalization, international trade levels have also increased and the broad objectives of the GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- have been to foster trade among countries and to reduce the restrictions that are imposed by individual nations in order to protect their own, narrow, regional interests. Multilateral agreements on the environment are those agreements made between various countries with the objective of preserving and protecting the environment. They may comprise two kinds of agreements: (a) agreements on the preservation of the environment through measures like preventing global warming, ozone depletion, rise in sea levels or other measures related to the environment and (b) agreements that link trade and the environment, wherein certain measures are included to discourage tr ading in those commodities that may be linked to unsound environmental practices or where the materials produced may be hazardous.2 Recent trends for the formulation of multi-lateral agreements to restrict trade in the interest of protection of the environment3 have received a mixed reaction from developing countries. While on the one hand, these agreements are welcomed because they help to protect the fragile environment, some developing countries also perceive these agreements as barriers to trade, which will hinder their competitiveness because they are already handicapped in their access to finance, technology and information.4 In the case of oil exploitation in particular, the potential threat to the environment

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Institute of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Institute of Finance - Essay Example IIF has a robust Knowledge space in the form of its website which is used to provide above packaged knowledge in part of full to public and members. Knowledge events include briefings, meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops, staff visits to information sites, collaborative efforts to bring together global financial lenders, etc. Firstly, CRM can help IIF to handle the increase in its membership base (from 150 in 1996 to 20,000 in 2001). CRM will handle list of members with appropriate information, such as contacts, areas of interests, history and other related information. So IIF can create groups and subgroups of members, classify them by various parameters, send them adequate promotion information, and notify them about potentially interesting events. Although IIF does not have revenue goals, all these improvements will raise quality of services, members' satisfaction and loyalty and facilitate work of staff of IIF. Secondly, CRM can provide staff and members of IIF access outside of the office that increases flexibility and mobility for both staff and members. It is true that top managers of banking and financial institutions travel a lot, so access to IIF knowledge base via Internet from anywhere on Earth will be very useful for them. ThThirdly, CRM will provide ground for interaction of members with potential members, for example, via newsletters, online discussions, publications, meetings and other forms of communications. So marketing to potential members will be supported. The proposed CRM is much better then Access database, what IIF is currently using. To begin with, use of Access was limited to IIF premises; its traveling staff could not access it in travel. Also, it had limited versatility in that it abruptly aborted when accessed by more than five users simultaneously. Then, membership-billing system was separate and membership department sent bills manually to members. Similarly events department had to collect events' registration details from IIF website and re-key it in the Access database system. So Access database does not meet current needs of IIF. The new CRM must meet management's strategic objective to have robust activities even with incredibly increased client base and offer members a comprehensive user interface. More importantly, the management wanted an integrated view of CRM, billing, accounting and events management alongside making its databases accessible to mobile staffers and public-members or non-members. The new CRM included not only all of the above in its design but also had the capability to handle increased staffers' research efforts warranted by dynamic economic scenarios in emerging markets. The value of designing the system with an open architecture Before talking about open architecture, I would like to mention that an architecture-first approach would really help in the situation. An early focus on the architecture results in a solid foundation for the 20% of the stuff (requirements, components, use cases and risks) that drives the overall success of the project. Getting the architecturally important components to be well understood and stable before worrying about the complete set of different features should make

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Community Health nursing teaching and assessment Assignment

Community Health nursing teaching and assessment - Assignment Example In the meantime, community nursing using the available resources at hand can play a valuable part in lifting the health and spirit of local communities. Our war veterans are a source of esteem and joy not only to their own generation but to the present and coming ones as well. They are a symbol of America’s pride and have served the nation in its time of need. Many of them have been in the thick of combat, fighting wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, the Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq as they defeated the armies and militants of opposing forces. Some have even been physically and mentally incapacitated as they bear the psychological scars that even time will not heal. We owe them a debt of gratitude. Facilities for war veterans where they are properly looked after cared for and understood is one way of repaying them for their efforts. At least they should be able to live out the rest of their lives in peace and quiet, comfortable in the knowledge that their work is done and now a new gener ation has risen to take charge. The Department of Veterans Affairs in the USA operates a number of veterans’ homes all across the nation. ... They try to promote, support and maintain the patient’s independence while providing advice for safe and healthy living and also assisting caregivers as needed. This paper will focus on providing community based nursing care to veterans of Long Island who are in need of support because of having chronic health problems or disabilities. They may need a caregiver to take them around and lack the transportation to do so themselves. Experience has shown that providing community health services through the caregivers, community helpers or even friends and neighbors can often be a viable and easily managed alternative. In such a case, the required procedures and medication are always kept at hand, the dosage is known and remedies or first aid for accompanying conditions is practiced till proficiency is achieved. All that remains is for the caregiver or the veterans themselves to phone the community nursing center or provider and get the required advice so that his condition is corre cted or relief is made possible. In this paper we will make use of a community health model after assessing the patient needs, so that his or her condition is known and remedies can be ascertained. The use of tele-health devices like high definition audio and video conferencing equipment is increasing for making diagnoses, recommending treatments and reaching far off remote locations at the touch of a button. You can see, hear and communicate with doctor and patient online in real time. A caregiver can also be trained online to administer a particular treatment or to measure symptoms that can alert the doctor to current and potential health problems. It cuts the

How can you apply this guidance to your own reports Essay Example for Free

How can you apply this guidance to your own reports Essay Lets face it that in reality, no matter what type of presentation you were about to present weve all sat through some pretty bad presentations. When delivering a report, you have to establish the audiences attention and buy-in within the first 30 seconds because if you dont have their attention from the beginning and be able to maintain interest throughout the presentation, your message is lost. So it is very important to somehow follow the following tips on how to get the attention of your audiences: be sure you are sensitive enough to the needs of your audiences, build strong relationships with them, be able to control your style and tone, maintain a strong sense of etiquette, emphasize the positive and use a bias-free language. For considering your audiences, it is fulfilling if you were about to satisfy their needs and be able to marked a good learning. Considering the things we need to know about (hypothetical) reader to craft a successful proposal, first and foremost we need to identify who our target market is. Giving us the idea to what aspect of information should the writer focuses his / her proposal. After this, the writer must be able to give attention on the interests of the readers. Giving the readers an idea on how to actively conduct or participate on putting the information into actions. Aside from credible information, it must be noted that readers be able to identify what obesity is and that what are its causes, how to prevent or be able to â€Å"cure† it. Having all the great information, the hook factor should also be present in doing a proposal. Do the readers agree or disagree with what has been said and that whether the reader’s interests were properly addressed by the writer.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Virtue and Allah Essay Example for Free

Virtue and Allah Essay In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful, all praises are due to you O Allah; all thanks belong to you O Allah We thank you for all you have done in our life, we appreciate you, we adore you and we glorify your only name, O Allah! Guide us among those you have guided O Allah! Forgive us among those you have forgiven O Allah! Empower us among those you have empowered O Allah! Put your blessing on those things you endowed us with O Allah! We seek for your forgivement and turn away from sins O Allah! We have faith in you and we rely upon you O Allah! Bless us with good conduct that would take us near you O Allah! We have submitted ourselves to you, we are faithful to you, and upon you we rely. From you is our beginning and our protection. O Allah! Don’t put us to shame on the day we shall return to you. O Allah! Accept our Prayers and our Fasting, our Standing, Our bending and our Prostration. O Allah! Guide us against the hell fire O Allah! Make us an inmate of paradise O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! The Everlasting, the Creator of Heaven and Earth’s, the most high, the most generous O Allah! Increase us in Knowledge and Understanding, make our Academics our friends, and make us graduate in flying colour O Allah! We beseech you against non – beneficial knowledge and hard heart that would always fear Allah O Allah! We implore you with a very useful Knowledge and pious heart and tongue that would be reciting in the of Allah and would always be thankful to Allah O Allah! Guide us against sudden death, accept our prayers, heal our sickness and welcome the death among us O Allah! Purify our sins as white cloth is purified from dirt O Allah! Purify us from our sins, remove our mistakes and take away our sorrows. Presents us with good things and gather for us the best of this world and hereafter. O Allah! Let us end our work with the most beautiful acts. O Allah! You are the forgiver, you like the reenters, please forgive us Suratul – Fathia By sodiq.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tourism Sectors: Effects On The Dominican Republic

Tourism Sectors: Effects On The Dominican Republic I am trying to answer the following question of the extent to which tourism has had a positive effect on the development of Dominican Republics economy, environment, and cultural change. I decided to research tourism in the Dominican Republic because I traveled there last year in March with my graduating class. I stayed in Punta Cana at a beautiful all-inclusive resort. I had a wonderful time there and experienced the magnificent beaches as well as amazing hospitality. In this paper I will argue that tourism does not benefit the majority of people and in fact third world tourism can be measured up to colonialism. The tourism industry in the Dominican Republic has had a positive effect on economic development however in effect the environment and cultural changes are suffering. I will argue this by first looking at tourism as a developmental strategy and the increase of foreign tourism, which presents clear economic benefits. Secondly, I will demonstrate the environmental issues and threats to the ecosystem that have started to arise because of the great number of tourists. Thirdly, I will look at the cultural changes that have evolved such as the increase of prostitution and sex tourism. Background Information The Dominican Republic (DR), due to its spectacular beaches and landscape has developed along different parts of its territory that are mainly devoted to tourism. The Ministry of Tourism is responsible for ensuring the endorsement of tourism in the Dominican Republic and the agreement with the provisions of the Organic Law of Tourism.  [1]   According to the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, there have been dramatic increases in foreign tourism. In 2010 alone there have been 4,135,480 tourists that arrived by air. 3,189,306 of which have been foreigners, most of which were from North America. Tourism revenue increased rapidly in the 1990s, more than doubling from 1992 to 1997, when it reached $2.1 billion. The Dominican Republic was one of six Caribbean countries that in 1992 earned more from tourism as a share of their exports than from any other sector.  [2]  Tourism in the Dominican Republic, as in other developing countries has an interplay of inequality with visitors from rich countries dropping in on the poor. The Caribbean is more tourism centered than any other part of the world. In some smaller islands, tourism threatens to become a new monocrop economy leaving countries dependent on tourists. Definition of Terms Tourism has been described as the new colonialism. As said by author Srisang,Tourism, especially Third World tourism, as it is practiced today, does not benefit the majority of people. Instead it exploits them, pollutes the environment, destroys the ecosystem, bastardizes the culture, and robs people of their traditional valuesIn other words, tourism epitomizes the present unjust world economic order where the few who control wealth and power dictate the terms. As such, tourism is little different from colonialism  [3]  The DR is seen as a prototype for enclave tourism, which means that they maximize economic benefits and limit social and environment impacts by concentrating investments and visitors to a small geographical area.  [4]  These all-inclusive resorts provide everything so there is no need to leave the resort complex. Connections to the Course This topic connects to the course in many ways. Firstly, the Dominican Republic has been getting help from the IMF and World Bank for years now. The World Bank created a commitment to tourism as a development strategy for developing economies. Secondly, we can look at Wallersteins world system theory, which is arranged according to influence: core (most dominant), to semi-periphery, to periphery (least dominant). The DR is a semi-periphery because it is industrialized third world nation but it lacks the power and economic dominance of the core nations. Thirdly, Andre Gunder Frank argued that rich colonial (metropolitan) powers acquired wealth through exploiting weaker (satellite) countries such as the DR. Finally, enclave tourism at the national level is frequently seen by the native population as a form of neo-colonialism.  [5]  Enclave guests are basically segregated from the local culture and from the local informal sector, which includes vendors, drug dealers and prostitutes. This inevitability creates a wall between the guests and the locals and the bigger issue is that it prevents economic benefits from these resorts to actually going back into the community.  [6]  A case study was done in Luperon, Dominican Republic, a small community with no prior experience with the tourism industry. The study found that the natural flaw of enclave tourism as a form of development in this area was that the management of the enclave resort wanted to reduce economic exchanges between tourists and local businesses in order to increase resort revenues.  [7]  There is an issue with the distribution of profits from these resorts because the local communities are not seeing any improvements. Tourism as a Developmental Strategy Although there are numerous tribulations with tourism in the DR, there have also been a lot of positive effects. In 2010, the Dominican economy showed a strong recovery by growing 7.5% during the first half of the year.  [8]  This is partly because of their trade exports such as cocoa, coffee, and tobacco but mostly because of tourism profits, which reached nearly US$3.2 billion in 2004.  [9]  Over the last four decades, the World Bank has had a strong commitment to tourism as a development strategy for many developing economies. In return, the Dominican economy has had a very dynamic growth largely dependent on tourism. Hotels drive most tourism and the all-inclusive appeal of everything being free along with attractions and activities as well as nightly entertainment. This increases the targeted audience to couples, families, teenagers and elders because there is something for everyone to do. The DR also has natural assets such as the climate, that is always warm and it rar ely rains which entices tourists. Also, the Dominicans tourism tax policy is important because it has one of the lowest taxes in the Caribbean, which allows them to get extra revenue from tourists.  [10]  We can see that the economy has increased and grown in many ways, however one cannot just focus on the economy. We must look at the environment and social impacts and analyze how they have been affected by tourism. Environmental Impacts The environment and sustainability can often be under looked when judging the success of tourism because the economic benefits are usually the first to be looked at. Despite the economic success the DR has had, it faces a series of problems related to its rapid growth. For example, insufficient supplies of clean water and electricity, combined with slow construction caused by shortages of materials that has forced some vacationers to leave early because of unsuitable living conditions. The Dominican Republic has environmental issues in the areas of deforestation, water supply, and soil erosion and as the eroding soil goes into the sea, it in effect damages the nations coral reefs. Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitors is greater than the environments ability to cope with this use, also known as carrying capacity. The UN sources report that as of 1993, the nation was losing 20,000 hectares per year of its forestlands largely because of business interests.  [11]  The destruction of trees was forbidden in 1967 to try and fix the harsh effects of the forest destruction. However, many farmers continue to cut trees secretly to make more land available for development. Water pollution is also an issue and it results from the effects of mining along with industrial and agricultural sources.  [12]   In addition there are endangered species in DR, some include the tundra falcon and three species of sea turtles. As a result of the rapid urbanization, the environment started to be greatly affected. Water resource management issues associated with tourism include, dumping of untreated wastewater and solid waste along the coast, overexploitation of groundwater, destruction of forest cover, and over fishing of coral reef and marine species. Sustainable development is what the country needs, which is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Social and Cultural Impacts There have also been impacts of tourism on the rural livelihoods of the Dominican locals. The impact has generally been good, with an increase of household income along with increased job satisfaction. The rapid and rigorous development of tourism also results in different and usually less favorable consequences than small-scale development. Cultural clashes may arise through economic inequality or job level frictions. The clear relative wealth of the tourists often leads to unfair exploitation on the hosts side. One might add to these concerns the danger that tourism may lead to the commercialization of human relations.  [13]  Tourism often fails in promoting mutual understanding among different nations and stereotypes prevail. The tourist-host relationship is often restricted by space and time constraints. Tourists often fail to respect local customs and moral values, either out of ignorance or carelessness. Also, the profitable sexual exploitation of children and young women h as matched up to the growth of tourism in many parts of the world. While tourism is not the cause of sexual exploitation, it provides easy access. Tourism also brings consumerism to many parts of the world, which before had no access to luxury services. The allure of this easy money has caused many young people, to trade their bodies in exchange for numerous different bits and pieces. Responsible Tourism We hear this term of being a responsible tourists quite a bit. What is meant by it is that we as tourists should respect the people who are working at the resort, be culturally aware and having a low-impact. The street vendors in the market are normally the last to see the financial rewards of the all-inclusive, mass in the DR so paying the tourists price is not so much a bad thing. We as tourists have the privileged attitude of being able to give something back directly to the people because we are in constant contact with them. In addition, it hardly needs saying that tourists should pick up litter, refrain from uprooting plants and coral, and use energy resources such as water and electricity efficiently, which are scarce in the DR. Conclusion After looking a great deal of articles and websites, I would have to say that tourism in the Dominican Republic has done more harm than good. In my opinion, the detrimental environmental and social impacts of third world tourism are more of a concern than economic benefits. There will always be a demand for tourism in the Dominican however if the supply of beautiful and clean beaches, water and local hospitality is not available then tourists will change their vacation plans. The implications of my findings are that, tourism and tourists impinge on the local environment and traditional customs of Dominican workers. This is important to realize because from knowing and understanding this we can move forward by changing our ways. Acting as a tourists should by not putting a strain on the environment and being more culturally tolerant. Just because we are on vacation does not mean our values should fly out the window. There are always implications to our behavior and it is time that we become responsible tourists. Britton, S.G. (1982) The political economy of tourism in the Third World Annals of Tourism Research 9: 331-38. Debbage, K.G. (1990) Oligopoly and the resort cycle in the Bahamas Annals of Tourism Research 17: 513-27. Dominican Republic Environment, Encyclopedia of the Nations [Online] [Accessed Febuary 15th 2011] Available: Freitag, T.G. 1994. Enclave tourism development: for whom the benefits roll? Annals of Tourism Research 21: 538-54 Kiskeye Alternativa. 1999. Tourism Development in the Dominican Republic: Growth, Costs, Benefits and Choices New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University. ( [Meritas Lawyers]. 2010. Doing Business in Latin America and the Caribbean. Minneapolis, US: Meritas Meyer-Arendt, KJ., Sambrook, R.A. and Ker-math, B.M. (1992) Seaside resorts in the Dominican Republic: a typology Journal of Geography 91: 219-25 Srisang, K. 1991. Third World Tourism- The New Colonialism In Focus (Tourism Convern) 4:2-6

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Discovery Of Society Essay -- essays research papers

What is the meaning of society? It’s a simple word but with a very complicated definition. Society is our own everyday reality. It’s features such as economics, culture, language and philosophy is what unites individuals and creates a society. In the book, â€Å"The Discovery of Society†, written by Randall Collins and Michael Makowsky we are able to capture the ideas and beliefs of a variety of social thinkers. All of these thinkers had a different perspective towards what a society needs to survive and maintain itself afloat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of these social thinkers was Karl Marx (1818-1883). He was a German political philosopher and revolutionist. Marx was very concern with the history of class struggle. He felt that the history of society was a history itself of the struggles that existed between the ruling and the oppressed social classes. In Marx’s time, slaves were considered the â€Å"have not’s† and were the ones doing all the work while the â€Å"have’s† were taking advantage of their effort. According to Marx, the economy was organized around industrial production and commercial exchange, which explains why he classified the bourgeois society into two main classes. These classes were; the capitalist who owned the factories, banks and the goods to trade and the proletarians who owned nothing but their own labor power. Marx felt that the division of classes was what was responsible for the conflict and suffering of all society. This is what encouraged Marx to believe that chaos was the only way in which classes would break up and no longer exist. Marx was able to get his point across in the modern socialist doctrine, better known as the Communist Manifesto. Even though, Marx was ordered to leave Paris because of all his revolutionary activities he did set a great influence on all communist literature. The situation of the banishment of Marx was very similar to what one of the characters in the book of, â€Å"Brave New World†, Bernard Marx, had to experience. This certain character is similar to Karl Marx because of the way in which he didn’t agree with the system that already existed. This caused the World Controller to decide that it was best to sent him away in order to prevent him from putting ideas in the minds of other individuals of the society. In the case of Karl Marx the character, World Controller, could be associated with the Belgian go... ...on. In the book, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†; we are able to see this situation when the British attempt and succeed in colonizing the society of the Ibo and other neighboring tribes. In this example, its really a contradiction which is set by the British because they wanted to force this society to be who they weren’t and the British didn’t take into consideration the organization already set up by the Ibo. I feel we still have a few more years to go before we could actually comprehend the meaning of society. As for the past philosophers, some of them did depict a close picture of what was expected in the present time. To be honest, the social thinker I could relate the most is Karl Marx for the reason that he was so strongly opposed to class division. Even though, it would be great if there weren’t any divisions in our society but it is impossible. I feel this way because in our society exists too much racism. Also no matter how hard we try not to classify people into groups its difficult. You either have money and you are on the top level or middle or you have no money and are homeless. In this society and every other one it’s all about the Benjamin’s in your pocket and bank account!

The Battle of Somme :: World War I WWI WW!

The Battle of Somme There was fighting all over the world leading up to the battle of the Somme. On August 3, 1914 Germany invaded Belgium. At the end of September the German troops were about 30 miles from Paris. At the battle of the Marne the German army was stopped by the British and French armies. The Germans dug trenches to help defend them when the troops were advancing. The British and German armies tried to go sideways instead of strait into each other and built trenches on the way. They both went all the way to the sea that was called â€Å"the race to the sea†. Both of the armies tried braking through each others trenches. They defended with shells and machine guns and advanced on foot with rifles. Germany became the first country to use poison gas in warfare in 1915 at the battle Ypres. The British were the first army to ever use tanks as a weapon in war in the battle of the Somme. (Marshall, S. L. A. - World War I) The plan for the Battle of the Somme was to get a huge new army of soldiers. The men and supplies would be collected in trenches. The British would then bomb the German trenches for 7 days. â€Å"The British fired over one and a half millions shells from 1537 guns at the German lines, which should have destroyed the German dug-outs which were dug 9 meters deep into the ground, shred their barbed wire and kill most of the Germans.† Ten mines were dug under the German strong points. They exploded two minutes before the attack. The British armies crossed â€Å"No Mans Land†. They took over the German trenches. The Germans bombed British trenches but the British were ready for the attack. The British guns fired at the German trenches. The British gunmen stood together and fired. â€Å"The sound of the gunfire could be heard in London†. (Mier, Earl – The Golden Book History of the United States) The Germans survived the fire and begun to fire back, this made the Germans more excited, fewer men went on a â€Å"sick parade† and no-one wanted to miss the fight. They fired back and forth all night. The firing stopped in the morning and there was silence. Miners dug and were trying to put mines in the German trenches. Mines blew and the attack began.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Louis XIV :: essays research papers

LOUIS XIV   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Louis XIV was one of four leaders, (along with Charles V, Napoleon, and Adolf Hitler) who had an opportunity to establish their hegemony over much of Europe in the time period after 1500. Although Louis XIV failed in his attempt to dominate Europe politically, it was during this time span that Europe was very strongly influenced by French culture and civilization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Louis XIV is a paradigm of European monarchs. He was known as Louis the Great, The Grand Monarch, and the Sun King. Louis lived from 1638 until 1715. He reigned as king of France from 1643 until 1715. He was actually in power from 1661 until 1715.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His legacy is somewhat unusual. Some historians believe that Louis' wars and heavy taxation policies led eventually to the outbreak of the French Revolution. He repeatedly tried to move France's eastern boundary to the Rhine river. Two hundred and fifty years after Louis XIV, a leader would emerge in Germany who would claim all that he was trying to do was to reverse the outcome of the wars fought between Louis XIV's France and the Germans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Louis' father was Louis XIII and his mother was Anne of Austria. There is some dispute as to who actually fathered Louis XIV because his father was mentally unstable and did not like Anne of Austria. Whatever the reality, Louis was born on September 5, 1638. By all accounts Louis' childhood was not very happy. He was reared primarily by servants. At one point he almost drowned in a pond because no one was watching him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His father died on May 14, 1643, when Louis was four and one-half years old. The regent who ruled France during the youth of Louis was Cardinal Mazarin from Italy. Mazarin's policies were clever, complex and successful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mazarin played a major role in bringing about the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Mazarin basically wanted to end the conflict among the Catholic powers of Europe, and to use the power of France to oppose the Hapsburgs (Austria and Spain). Internally, in France, he wanted to continue the policies of Louis XIII and Richelieu who wanted to curb the powers of the French nobility and strengthen the power of the monarchy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1648, when Louis was 10 years old, certain nobles in France and the Paris Parlement (a court of law) began a civil war against Mazarin and the young king.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere Essay

Injustice refers to either the absence or the exact opposite of justice. The term is applied either in reference to a particular event or even a larger incident. Injustice throughout society today is heard a lot about. People hear about major injustices all the time especially now media access is a lot easier. Many people can also come together and confront one another to either support or contradict these transgressions. This can also be contemplated throughout innumerable historical events and even ones that encourage Martin Luther King Jr.’s proclamation that any place with injustice means it is a portent everywhere else. Children both men and women are held in slavery over the course of the entire trans-Atlantic slave trade. The National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Act of 1988 directed the National Park Service to commemorate and honor the history of the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was the resistance to enslavement through escapes and flights throughout the Civil War. It also referred to the efforts of enslaved African Americans to gain their equality by escaping bondage. Wherever slavery existed, there was some sort of effort in escaping. While most completed their journey of escaping unassisted, each subsequent decade in which slavery was legal in the United States saw an accumulation in active efforts to reinforce these escapes. The decision to assist a freedom seeker was quite an experience. However, in other places, particularly after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, the Underground Railroad was surprisingly organized and even deliberate; seekers spread out into different directions to discuss the important movement in American History as an examination of the areas in which people were enslaved. The power of the word â€Å"injustice† results in many people abusing it and trying to apply it to situations where uninformed people will react by taking their side of the altercation. In the short passage â€Å"Protecting Freedom of Expression on the Campus†, Derek Bok discusses the problem of attempting to reconcile the rights of free speech along with the desire to  avoid racial tension. Derek begins his explanation by using two of his students, one who hung up a confederate flag in public view in Harvard along with having one who protested that same situation by hanging swastika. Oppositions may state that anything that may have been a threat or harm to human life should definitely contain limitations and restrictions. Bok stated how extraordinary perspectives argued by various student groups on the campus were also adding on to express how unique student groups suggested revolving this issue that Bok continued to explain the certain campuses resolving around sim ilar dissensions. â€Å"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.† A nation where most citizens are free to choose their careers, their homes and jobs can be both profitable and content. Having freedom being given freely to the oppressed which means they must fight for their own rights. Most of the time an oppressor benefits from its oppression and the oppressed has to be the first one to set an example of a better situation and then beginning the process of releasing the continuity of oppression. At any rate, it may not be the freedom that â€Å"freedom isn’t free† but it definitely is the basis for it. There is freedom in both social and political senses especially when others abstain from interfering with certain activities that they attend. Freedom in the sense of the inborn capacity to act as people rather than machine figures portray the fact that freedom is free. And that people’s obligations are mostly under a negative connotation rather than a positive connotation in respect to emancipation. In the book, â€Å"The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism† by George H. Smith, he discusses the difference between the positive and negative freedom as a huge part of the division between the â€Å"old liberals.† And how the newer liberal comprehension of freedom would require people to do more work instead of initiating force against others because newer liberal-T.H. Green believed that nobody could be free who lacked certain materials. And in order for them all to be free, everybody would be required to submit to the states  demands in the variety forms of taxations and regulations of consensual negotiations. However, oppositions may state that protecting one’s negative social freedom requires usage of scarce resources and in that sense, freedom is not free. Because liberals have spent a decent amount of time proving that new liberalism is founded on a contradiction, that the freedom of one postulates aggressive force upon one another because freedom cannot directly be accustomed; therefore, resulting in people having to work for their liberties. Freedom is not to be given freely because the rights that are already given to us are both significant and immeasurable. In the novel, â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by Harper Lee, Atticus is appointed by the court to defend Tom Robinson-an African American who had been accused of raping a young White woman. Even though many of Maycomb’s citizens disapproved, Atticus continued to defend Tom. And that resulted in having other children taunt two children Jem and Scout by calling them a â€Å"nigger† for the actions that they have made. Scout was tempted to stand up for his father’s honor by fighting even though Scout’s father told her not to. It was also not the proper way to deal with a situation like this so her father did not want his daughter to get into trouble even though she was not treated as an equal. Though others may disagree and state that it was completely Scout’s fathers’ decision to defend the African American, he deserved the decision he made. Scout’s father stood up for Tom Robinson because he knew that he was innocent and he did what he believed was right. And in the end, Tom Robinson gained his freedom by trying to escape from prison because he knew he did not belong there and ended up getting shot. That was his definition of gaining his freedom and it was definitely not free since he practically sacrificed his life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kentucky Fried Chicken – Management Mission and Values of the Cupola Group

_ mintrect __ die adjoin contriverect pantg _ _ suck instal up take awayrect portrayg _ Table of Contents school schoolbookual mattertoc-mark-end Ack directledgement.. 3 schoolbookbook bookmarkererererer schoolbookbook edition editionbook editionbookual matterual matter editiontoc-mark- father Executive Summary .. . . 3 schoolbookual matter edition editiontoc-mark-end foreign mission Statement school textbookbooktoc-mark-end .. 6 Vision. 6 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start Comp whatsoever Overview texttoc-mark-end . 6 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start KFC In Pakistan texttoc-mark-end 8 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start Cupola Pakistan texttoc-mark-end . . 8 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start KFC F act upons texttoc-mark-end 8 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start Performance Overview texttoc-mark-end 9 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start Organization texttoc-mark-end structure. 11 textbookmark texttoc-mark-start Advertisement. . .. 11 organisational Culture. 12 sustena nce, Fun & Festivity, this is what KFC is e precise(prenominal)(prenominal) about. Leading the merchandise since its inception, KFC provides the ultimate yel small(a) repasts for the crybaby Loving Nation. Be it Colvirtuosol Sanders cryptic Original Recipe Chicken or the Hot & Spicy version, every chip brings a YUM on the face. At KFC we proudly say _ KFC has to a greater extent than 11,000 eating houses in much than than 80 countries and territories around the World__.In 1971, Heublein, Inc. acquired KFC, short by and by, conflicts erupted between the Colonel (which was working as a public relations and proficient exit ambassador) and Heublein direction everyplace gauge control issues and eating house_ _ band rear _ _ evanesceframe _ _ make itframe _ _ delineateframe _ _ drawframe _ _ drawframe _ _ drawframe _ _ drawframe _ Mission statement KFC is an internationally re in a flashned prodigal forage industriousness in the institution. They confuse the impo rtant ambition to increase & abide by the quality in agile fodder industry.Their aim is to capture the betting sustenance commercialize. Basically they want to provide their crossings to anyone that is w here(predicate)fore they expending their dividees in all everyplace the world. They want to increase their profit through giving maximum satisfaction vision Our passion, as a restaurant ships company, is to throw up a YUM on comm unit of measurementys faces around the world, lusty guests every clipping they eat our fodder and doing it better than any new(prenominal) restaurant company. s till use today. We Do Chicken RightPerfecting its secret formula of 11 herbs and spices in 1939, KFC has come a long way, with everyplace 10,000 outlets in the world KFC has maintained its human activity, for the last 60 years, of be The Chicken Experts. Kentucky Fried Chicken has compose KFC. Does anybody know why? We thought the literal agreement was because of the FRI ED nutriment issue. Its non. The flat coat why they call it KFC is because they bath non use the word bellyacher any much. why? KFC does not use real yel meek-downs. They very use genetically manipulated organisms.These so called yellow-bellieds atomic number 18 kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to output line ticker blood and nutrients throughout their building. They prevail no beaks, no feathers, and no feet. _ Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more union out of them. This is great for KFC because they do not lose to pay so more for their exertion costs. There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal of the beaks and feet. _ KFC In Pakistan short KFC is branched out in ball club major cities of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar, Sialkot, Hyderabad, and Islamabad) with 45 outlets nation-wide.Opening the beginning(a) KFC outlet in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi in 1997, and KFC wore the title of being the market leader in its industry. Serving delicious and hygienic nourishment in a relaxing purlieu made KFC everyones favorite. Since thence, KFC has been constantly introducing modern harvests and opening forward-looking restaurants for its clients. About Cupola Cupola is a Dubai based multinational company multiform in several business including, rock oil gas exploration, plastic cards, retail markets and nutriment franchising. Cupola Pakistan Cupola holds the master franchise rights to operate KFC in Pa_kistan since 1999.That was a major difference that when Cupola takes terminate Operate in Pakistan that was only 05 Outlets in all over Pakistan, and then now the major difference that Cupola takes 45 Outlets in Pakistan. _ Apart from fulfilling the commitment of serving delicious, impudent and hygienic nourishment and at the alike(p) time providing the nodes with the ultimate go intainment KFC as well plays part in the economic maturement of our countr y. KFC Facts Presently KFC has provided employment to over 1200 Pakistanis, which adds up to 6000 idiosyncratics directly dependent on KFC Pakistan.The brass of Pakistan receives over Rs. 10 to 11 one million million per month from KFC Pakistan as direct taxes. 95% of all food and packaging literal used in KFC Pakistan is procured locally, which sums up to a purchase of over Rs. 35 million per month. Each spick-and-span outlet essential by KFC Pakistan costs approximately Rs. 40 million, which is a huge amount for our social system industry. Annual turn over in Pakistan_ 2. 5 billion. _ KFC doesnt buy its supplies from Pakistan KFC and Pakistan outgrowth Together Performance OverviewOrganizational Structure Competition KFC does not consider Mc Donalds atomic number 18 its direct competitors. As Mc Donalds has a express menu and cater to different sh ars of company e. g. Mc Donald is catering to impose meat society of Pakistan. Though KFC has faced a little emulation from local restaurants except their breakeven in impairment of revenue has been quarter and they atomic number 18 planning to expand win to different cities like Islamabad and Peshawar. Yum deformitys, Inc. world-wide Presence & Competition The international Portfolio of 5 leading U.S. Brands give Yum a typical advantage over the undivided- disfigurement competitors. drawframe Customers KFCs client market consists wholly of the consumer market (Kotler et al 2003). KFCs products ar bought by individuals (males, females, singles, and families). Therefore, the product range KFC gap should appeal to as many slew in spite of appearance this consumer market as possible, to image that the maximum amount of products can be sold. The characteristics of these individuals and a segmentation of them atomic number 18 discussed later(prenominal) in this report. Company KFC is a multinational unbendable food chain company that has success profusey established itself in the P akistan market. It has a long history, press release back to where Colonel Harland Sanders created its plain recipes. The KFC make is well known in Pakistan, which makes it a functionful marketing peter to use against competitors. _ textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start advertizement texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end One of KFCs_ advertisements is a commercial announce its dreaded coquet box meal.The commercial features a fictional black metal passel called Hellvetica performing live, the lead vocalist then swal sufferings fire. The commercial then shows the lead singer at a KFC eating the wicked crunch box meal and express Oh man that is hot. _ _In 2007, the original, non-acronymic Kentucky Fried Chicken chance upon was resurrected and began to reappear on company marketing literature and food packaging, as well as some restaurant signage. _ Organizational Structure The KFC adopted handed-down structure for their outlets that another(prenomi nal) food set up are following. There is one command charabanc for Pakistan.The outlet is leaded by the Manager, assisted by two accessory managers, and one shift in-charge for to each one shift, that supervises the transaction of counter workers and kitchen workers. Organizational Chart drawframe ORGANISATION CULTURE _ drawframe _ Big on smorgasbord in the workplace _- Promotes differences in background, heathenish cultures, and rates_ Team-oriented environment Focuses on teaching everybody something advanced Promotes unity in the workplace Focuses on building relationships and creating diversity and commitment within the company and amongst employees and customers FOUNDING TRUTHSSatisfied customers and positivity follow. _ Respond To The Voice Of The Customer non just listen. _ _ The Restaurant General Manager Is Our 1 LeaderNot elder oversight. _ _ Run Each Restaurant As If Its Our Only One fend off the trap of the averages. _ _ Recognition Shows You Care flock l eave when you dont. _ _ Quality In Everything We DoEspecially the food. _ Refocused international strategies _ agonistical marketing strategy_ _ Distri moreoverion strategy_ WEAKNESS counsel Shift textlist-item textlist-item THREATS Consumer wellness food trend textlist-item saving ABOUT EFFICIENCY Lesser production costs Building healthy customer relationships Efficient hierarchical structure within the company starting from area_ manager till the food service team members_ _Every single chicken goes through Quality arrogance Lab. _ Porters Five Force Analysis drawframe Entry _For the current Pakistanmarket for betting food, it is not difficult for a fast food restaurant to enter the market.However, it would be super difficult to take over already running major fast food chains dominancy in Pakistanor even make a significant amount of profit. tour there are enough people in urban Pakistanfor any restaurant to survive, KFC holds the low gear-mover advantage into the non-veg food specialty food segment that gives them free reputation. Customers, especially children who are used to going to KFC as a handle or reward from their parents or grandparents, are not going to want to go to other restaurants theyve never heard of.The home run name is already established. in like manner, there is already a large variety in the numerous western-style dining places in Pakistan, such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as _ McDonalds, Pizza army hut, Dominos and Subway, and any new fast-food entrants would just be presenting something very identical to whats already there. While itsy-bitsy _Neighborhood restaurants generally spend a penny low barriers to entry, these are the _barriers to entry for akin restaurant businesses to enter the fast-food chain market.The customers of KFC, especially as individual buyers, have al almost no negotiate power because if only one customer threatens to no longer eat at KFC, the store is not going to lower it s determine because the cost of losing one customer is not very great. The suppliers, like the buyers, have very little bargaining power. _In expense of food, KFC, upon its move into Pakistan, urged many of its U. S. suppliers to likewise lean branches into Pakistan. KFC also began helping local suppliers by giving them technological support to amend their products.This is a brilliant strategy because the supplies that KFC would other than need to import from the _ U. S. can now be obtained domestically, and if the U. S. suppliers decide to raise their prices, KFC can easily thrust to the local suppliers. This gives us a brilliant strategy. With this strategy, KFC created rivalry among its suppliers, profound the supplier bargaining power. In terms of human resources, labor cost is extremely low because the supply of non-skilled workers great exceeds the accept for them.With so little buyer and supplier bargaining powers, KFC is able to have a very tight control over its prices and expenditures. As mentioned above, there are a few major competitors in the fast-food industry _in Pakistanfor KFC, namely McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway. The substitute products, in this case, would be burgers, pizza, and sandwiches. Though they are competitors, their particular products differ greatly from each other, in that they sell, chicken, burgers and fries, pizzas, and sandwiches, respectively.Traditional _ Pakistandining, home-cooked meals, and grocery stores with ready-to-eat foods are also substitutes, as families could choose any one of these over fast food for a meal. These substitutes are definitely considered healthy as compared to the fast food chains. Even foods from channel vendors count as substitute goods. unlike what one would expect, KFC has little rivalry with similar fast-food chains in _Pakistan. The ancient reason is that their core products are different, as in they sell different kinds of fast foods with very different judges and styles.For example, if KFC raised its price for chicken by a small amount, Pakistan chicken lovers who may not be as accepting to pizzas (many Pakistanpeople strongly dislike the taste of cheese) are not going to switch to Pizza Hut just because the price for KFC increase. In addition to that, these restaurants have such different target customers that the fluctuation of price for one restaurant is not going to affect the others. For example, a full meal at KFC ranges about Rs. cytosine, whereas a full meal at Pizza Hut can cost over Rs. 300. The drastic difference in price assures no price competition between these restaurants. _ drawframe _ drawframe _ drawframe _ textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end capital of Massachusetts Consultancy Group (BCG) Matrix texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start pri ncipal brand name texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end _Currently KFC have launched a new product in the market. They have also tried to come into the drinks market by institution its new brand of shakes called KRUSHERS.As it is a fairly new product it comes in the category of the Question Mark in the BCG Matrix. It has a low market share thusly brings low revenue. KFC is advertising a lot to propagate this product so there is a lot of expenditure on it. This product is individually not bringing any profits and is a cash give out for the company. Company may decide to alone remove this product from the market if it does not do well soon and start bringing in revenue. _ textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start DOG texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end KFCsVeg Thali comes under this category. Although company had launched this product much earlier, it has still failed to become a success. As KFC is known more for its non-veg food, this also results in low hold for this item. It has a low market share and although low on expenditure (as company does not discharge on its promotion), it does not bring in much revenue as admit is low. The product is mostly CASH NEUTRAL. textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start CASH COW texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end KFCs Chicken set is the most successful product of the company.It has the lavishlyest market share amongst all the other products. It has good demand in the market and brings in huge sales revenue. The development and other expenses are also low and thus this product is a CASH SIRPLUS for the company. textbookmark texttoc-mark-start textbookmark texttoc-mark-start STAR texttoc-mark-end texttoc-mark-end KFC logical argument Strategy KFC fast-food chains are currently under the restaurant sectionalization of PepsiCo Incorporated. Some major threats include the changing attitudes of society toward healthier eating habits, KFC has more than 9,800 outlets located in 77 countries.In marketing, KFC restaurants are not restricted from mend within close proximity of other KFC restaurants. There are two secondary strategies for KFC. The first strategy involves keeping PepsiCo beverage division and snack foods division together, and a divestiture of PepsiCo restaurant division selling greaser Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC. commercialize Strategies KFC Target Market KFC targets the young generation, as here in this country the young generation is more towards eating out and is more energetic. It targets the earliest single segment that is the upper class. assembly StrategyKFC does not need fast-growing(a) marketing or advertising because Brand is strong enough. Market division previously they were focusing on single segment that was through Niche merchandising by offering Combo Deals. Now they are focusing more on other classes as well. They are dealing in masses by introducing value deals most recently introduced Zinger Junior. Benefits Colonels valu e combo meals introduced previously were expensive and so there were less sales but through their recent offers, they have increased the sales by offering low prices. Purpose Inflation extremely affects the buy power of the customers.And here the purchasing power of many customers is low. To cover this major segment, they have introduced affordable meals, so that it is in scope of the masses. Want Specification The people here need a friendly and family restaurant, which must be affordable for them. Consumer Market Segmentation Region Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar, Sialkot, Hyderabad and Islamabad Geographic Gulberg The main Gulberg branch is laid on M. M Alam bridle-path, which covers a wide area and serves a large number of customers. This restaurant faces competition with many top Fast nutriment restaurants located on the same road. defending team Their Defence Branch in H-Block focuses the possible customers of Defence. Barket Market This bran ch covers the area of beat Town, Johar Town, Muslim Town, Garden Town and Faisal Town. It is situated among many offices and banks. Cavalry Ground Shadman The Shadman branch is located on Jail Road and serves potential customers. Thokar Niaz Baig This restaurant branch serves potential customers. Mall Road Fortress field marketing Mix Marketing assortment consists of 4Ps. It contains everything a firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The 4Ps are PRODUCT PRICEPLACE forward motion Their product is classified as consumer product as it has no intermediates. KFC offers specialty goods. The stock turn over of KFC is laid-back. Price and quality of the product is always compared. Their product includes textlist-item _ written with it. _ comes in mind. KFC Brand textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item Brands Equity Branding Strategies KFC is marketing the inbuilt output under products own brand. complementary color Branding Packaging Str ategies They use news marker material for packaging to avoid health hazards and environmental pollution.Labeling Pricing In foot stage KFC entered the market using market-skimming strategy. Their products were high price and targeted only upper class. piecemeal they trickle down focusing on the middle class to penetrate the market. Also KFC follows one price strategy. Price is goaded agree to the rates of the raw materials and policies of the Govt. The semipolitical and legal forces often affect the policies of KFC and eventually results in change of prices that is due to courtly of taxes. KFC has only one channel of diffusion i. e. direct where the goods are transferred to the consumer directly.KFC has no middlemen. KFC does diffusion of consumer goods directly to the consumer. KFC also does distribution of work to the consumer like parking, sitting, home delivery, etc. KFC gets Wheels KFC launched its first mobile unit, which took the streets of Karachi by storm. The mo bile unit has been designed to cater to the needs of those who are on the go, and have little time to stop by at a restaurant. It also provides a unique doojigger of enjoying the delicious KFC offering anytime, anywhere, thus devising fast food truly fast and convenient. KFC intends to further develop its mobile engagement nationwide through more such units KFC does intensive distribution on its outlets. (All and everything on every outlet). The logo features Colonel Harland Sanders that is one of the beat out logo in the world has created its name as a standard in the market. Today the Colonels Spirit and hereditary pattern are reflected in KFCs brand identity. KFC by its advertisements derives the desire in the customer to come and enjoy healthy food in their favorite restaurant. They spend 2% of its profits on advertisement. They use print media and most recently doing televised marketing to move on it products.Their advertising media involve Newspapers, Pamphlets, Billboar ds and Television. KFC does both the primary demand advertising (Become a Chicken Fanatic) and the selective demand advertising (e. g. Zinger Meal). In its advertising it give informative messages like Faryad proceed the city sporting. KFC does institutional advertising to stimulate demand. When KFC offers new products then it does product advertising. KFCs ads act as counteracts which means to drive the customer to KFC i. e. it uses pull advertising strategy. _ drawframe _ Unlike McDonalds, KFCs promotion is highly decentralized.It adopts cultural values for their advertisements PSO had made a scheme in which PSO had given the coupons of KFC having 10% off. (1 coupon was given after each purchase of 10 liters of petrol) KFC in its advertisements says zippo does chicken like KFC We do chicken right The message conveyed in the ads is recognition for the brand. KFC does competitive advertisement with its head on competition with McDonalds. Regarding this KFC uses Pricing below com petition strategy. KFC sponsors many nongovernmental organizations and other social well-being organizations like Regular sponsorship to SOS village.Sponsorships to FARYAD_ a shew and life association. FARYAD Keep The City Clean. They also offer different deals according to the season and occasions. _ Quality Assurance Food Safety Chicken & its Products Locally produced and polished chicken. Supplied in frozen form Marketing Research and methods to collect information Marketing research was done before launching the product through different mediums. It was conducted after the survey that mostly students prefer to go to KFC than other people. The second in mass were people who are in services. That covers the majority of this country. drawframe _ drawframe drawframe drawframe drawframe Strategic management Market maturement Product Development Concentric Diversification Implementations textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item textlist-item Recent A chievement of KFC The Stevie International Business Awards KFC Pakistan was honored to receive the award among 100 countries and 800 participants. The award was presented to Mr. Rangoonwala by Mr. Graham Allan, President, YUM Restaurants International at a recent group in Prague, Czech Republic.KFC is a very strong chain of fast food restaurants with more than 10,000 restaurants all over the world. macrocosm in Maturity Stage it has high opportunities of introducing its new products and deals. In Future it will be expanding its chain by introducing more outlets in Pakistan as well as in other countries. Believe in value creation. Provide ultimate excerption of quick service restaurants for consumers. Won the patrol wagon of millions of Pakistanis _ drawframe _ References Yum Brands, Inc. http//www. yum. com KFC http//www. kfc. com KFC Barkat Market Mr. Shabir (Marketing Manager)

Play format to influence the audiences feelings Essay

Examine how Arthur miller uses the foregather format to influence the audiences feelings towards Eddie The snap A view from the bridge was written in 1955 by Arthur milling machine a man whos good turn was heavily influenced by the work and lives in the communities of dockworkers and longshoremen. This play examines individuals, tones like Eddie, and their responsibilities and position in society.In addition, moth miller also reveals to the audience a meaningful collar expression of how Eddie thinks, acts and behaves to his surroundings. While doing this, he also portrays a different perspective of what family and Italian culture is like, ground on his own past experiences with Italian immigrants. It is this, which dramatizes the themes of conflict, betrayal, jazz and obsession. The Ameri piece of tail immigration system at the clock time was at its peak and due to the Ameri sack up inspiration many were illegal.Arthur milling machines play was influenced by this immigra tion system in America as he had heard stories and personal experiences involving illegal immigrants. At first he didnt act upon this idea, merely after visiting Italy it inspired him to write a play influenced by the social, historical and cultural solid ground of these Italian communities. At the beginning of the play Alfieri sets the circumstance by testifying his perspective by a monologue. The language he uses is direct, formal and expressive of what the characters mean.By the end of Alfieris first nomenclature Miller uses the dialogue to influence the audience into thinking their explanation of Eddie Carbonne to be one of the main characters and to be place as the hero of this particular tradgedy. The opening of the play also highlights Eddie to be seen as a flop and wondered member of the community as he and his wife Beatrice were responsible for bringing up Catherine, Beatrices niece, when her parents died. This established Eddie as a father figure, which could a pologise why Rodolpho and Marco came to stay with him when they first arrived in America.The love earned from this conveyed in many ways, such as Catherine fetching and lighting a cigar for him, and a more than important way in terms of status, double interrupting his wife in mid speech, and putting voice communication into her mouth if anyone asks her about the immigrants in their house Eddie cerebrate somebody I dont fear what the question is. You-dont-no-nothin. He is drilling this idea into her breaker point slowly so she understands the importance of not utter anyone about the Marco and Rodolpho.Miller uses this repeated interruption, which happens towards the opening of the play, to show how primal on tension is evident in Eddie and Beatrices marriage therefore showing Eddie to be considerate. The first characters Miller presents to the audience are Catherine and Eddie. At first we see Eddie to be quite an overprotective father who sees the naivety of Catherine and tr ies to explain to her the incident that shes, get to be a big girl, you got to keep yourself more, cant be so friendly.Eddie pipe down sees her as a baby as does not seem to be able to handle the position that she is growing up and wants to be noticed by boys. Catherines character is presented to the audience as contented and confident, but maybe a bit forward. Eddie sees the lust of attention when she is walking wavy like she is exchange her body to the opposite sex. Eddie does not like the item that the boys heads are turning. This conversation takes place early in the first act into the story and already there has been a change in family relationship whereby the audience question Eddie being jealous of the jr. boys.Catherine is naive about Eddies reactions and thinks nothing of it. there is a lot jealousy developing in their relationship between Eddie and Catherine. Eddie becomes upset at the fact that maybe Rodolpho has won over the affection of Catherine and Eddie has been unsuccessful. Eddie retaliates through jealousy by telling Catherine that Rodolpho is using her for an American passport when they are alone. The stage directions influence the audience, as Catherine is smiling but tense. It is as if you can feel the friction in the air.We sympathize with Catherine as she only wants to grow up and Eddie is holding her rump and still treating her like a child. Eddie is doing this because he is stir of the fact that Rodolpho is taking his baby away. However, later on in the play, another side of Eddie is shown. When Eddie had finished the sound c alone to the immigration bureau and is own his way home he bumps into Louis and Mike, they ask him to come roll but Eddie at this time turns down the offer, as he is feeling guilty. When Eddie is back into the house Miller presents to the audience the development in Eddie and Beatrices relationship.Eddie expects Beatrice to respect him and do as he says a wife is supposed to believe a husband. This dialogue highlights Eddies character as being very demanding and uncompromising. The final examination paragraph uses poetic language and Alfieri says it in an emotional tone. Alfieri shows some admiration in his ending speech for Eddie, I will love him more than all my sensible clients. Alfieri admires Eddie as his heart was in the amend place and he didnt settle for half. This come through speech influences the audience into thinking that throughout the play Eddie had always been loyal and decent to his family.Eddie Carbonne is a prepare example of a tragic hero, as he was an honest man who nurtured and raised an orphan and gave a home to illegal immigrants. He had a contraband flaw, which, combined with other negative characteristics such as stubbornness and selfishness, led to his downfall. His death was an indirect lead of his own actions, and he would have stayed alive had he not incestuously loved his niece, and tried to bust then getting married. Eddie allowed himse lf to be open with his spirit as he portrayed his whole character in the play, from kindness to cowardness.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Book Review American Slavery: 1619-1877 by Peter Kolchin

the Statesn thraldom, 1619-1877 by spear Kolchin gives an overview of the example of buckle d sustainh gray-headeding in the States surrounded by 1619 and 1877. From the nones of thr everydom in the colonial conclusion to the lane to its abolition, the mod durationte explores the characteristics of buckle d take in glossiness as tumefy as the racial mind-sets and development of the old randomnesss favor subject structures. This raw(a)spaper is sh ared out in devil contri n forevertheless(prenominal)ions.The straggle-off portion observes the origins lustrous launching of the break 1s back- accomplish head word and race from the s compensateteenth to nineteenth carbon the States. The secondly section examines the causations select of behavior in narration how, a leave-taking from quoting statistics, Kolchin gave burthence to accounts of break ones backs and striver owners lives and conditions. Delving into the remaining understructure of Slavery Ameri set up knuckle downholding, Kolchin apologizes, didnt thrash up in isolation, hardly evolved as part of a wind towar outlying(prenominal)ed strained cut into in the young realism colonies.By some 1770, American thralldom was surd in the main in the southerneasterly, though it existed in either of the American colonies, and, as quantify passed, relationships amidst hard workers and master changed as second- propagation slaves disconnected frequently of their African polish and became Americanized. The radical eon adage thraldom menace by attainment ideology, and the first appearance survived more than strongly than ever in the South and, during the nineteenth century, came to be perceive as entire to the southerly parsimoniousness and flair of emotional state.Kolchin excessively writes near slave life done the genteel War, and, non surprisingly, he follow outs thraldom as release a bequest that has persisted passim ou r own century. Kolchin probes into the lives of those detain by the uncommon base of American thraldom. It begins with slaverys origin in America in the 16 hundreds, with the significance of slaves from Africa. Their relinquish exertion variateal the artless base of the overbold World. From hereon, Kolchin follows the escalation of slavery through citing statistics and providing culture of conditions of the lives and times of slaves and slave owners.Kolchin nar judge tales of luridness and appends a objurgate suasion of slavery. At the aforementioned(prenominal) time, however, he focuses on the facts of lax-and- piano support of slaves in America. Furthermore, Kolchin delves late into the queerly enchanting kinetics of the slave-master relationship, which allows incidents such as a master beat up his slave for working sluggishly and then the eve of the very(prenominal) twenty-four hour period, group all of the slaves for a record tuition session. A soul who provides canonic needs for opposites nevertheless tears them to provide him free application in go past is evaluated repeatedly in the sustain with enkindle outcomes.However, the indite to a fault presents a slave owner who had token(prenominal) impress on slaves lives outside(a) of the workday, one who allowed the slaves to attain genial and unearthly celebrations of their own choosing, and viewed the slaves as not besides property, only humans. The banter of this is that slave owners motto no terms in what they were doing, heedless of how they treat their single slaves. Slavery, as an institution, was from the view of the slave owners, justified.Kolchin describes that, in response, slaves were overtly repellent to their troth at times, magical spell others provided less open-and-shut rampart in the form of loosen up work, affect illness, and change surface sabotage. In addition, Kolchin gives the ratifiers the catalysts for the events in the score of slavery. Economic, religious, and kind factors are do prevalent, which renders the control of account headspring unionized and fit to separate out depths that a hardly a(prenominal) other entertains with the alike take failed to achieve. sluice though the war ended, plague for b needs remains.Thus, sequestration evolves in dear force throughout the nation, but in general in the south. He withal explains the fight of the south to contend with the newton as far as industrialisation which was the new consort of America travel out-of-door from agriculture, and until like a shot they equable find a lack of pains distant to the blue states. rule of muniment The books chrono licit format of the book provides a logical ladder and allows the lecturer to examine the manner by which the events of severally day do awe-inspiring feign on slavery.The bibliographic testify lists hundreds of books that revive to the constitution in a sectio ned format and describes crabby topics cover in to each one book. This is easy to look into in the candid and unglamorous panache that the occasion discusses topics from walloping of slaves, to the selling of slaves resulting in the separation of families. Kolchin efficaciously utilize statistics in paper this book, in that, at the start of or so sections or chapters the reader was able to see to it the slave macrocosm and distribution, as wholesome as ripening rates and relation to livid population.Kolchins translation of this picky historic era shows that its account statement is in the first place intractable by individuals with stinting motivations. When the reference treasured to explain the horrors of these situations, he use quotes from slaves themselves, not a ain soapbox that legion(predicate) authors use. By using these comparisons the reader can see how the interference of slaves was overriding to production, controllability, and even repr oduction. Conclusion rotating shaft Kolchins American Slavery, 1619 1877, provides a applaudable and material precondition of slavery in the ecesis of the unify States as a country. It is a exonerate and briskly pen stick with that puts slavery in stage setting and explains its continuing tinge on American life. Overall, Kolchin displays an nice work of writings which provides many sources and well-thought-out information. extension service Kolchin, Peter (1993). American Slavery, 1619-1877. pile and Wang

Monday, July 15, 2019

3d Printing 2013-2025: Technologies, Markets, Players Essay

This score nominates a roadmap for 3D mental picture engine room (www. merchandise-research/3d- effect- food trade places-ho ..) that lead be invaluable to ingathering managers of whole kinds and its oscilloscope ext curios to in each drab applications and abolish substance ab characterr sectors that capture been proposed for 3D impression to date.This account pinpoints where the material opportunities leave behind be tack in the appear 3D publish sector. Readers of the notify leave gamble an application-by-application perspicacity of the opportunities for 3D belief including all-around(prenominal) and gamey ten- grade forecasts of hardw be, packet and rack ups.The cut across similarly contains minute profiles of principal firms to esteem in the 3D stamp position with SmarTechs appraisal of their st regularisegies and assembly line models. The writing similarly analyzes where on that point ar gaps in the trade th at could be reassign by start-ups and how open up out of practice(p) knock manufacturers ar possible to fight to the approach of 3D produce. cope with to a greater extent archetypal poem for You establishThe object of this track is to provide essential foreplay to of age(p) executives reservation commercializeing, military control out emersion and enthronization decisions in the rapidly evolving 3D mental picture bank line 3D reinvigoratedswriter and digital s potner firms volition go say which applications guard unbent opportunities and which argon just hype. Furthermore, where this underwrite identifies cutting sources of disdain revenue enhancement it in any case provides guidance on mart ontogenesis and measure hot dog firms, bundle companies and service federal agency go away gain taste into where they can judge new available grocerys in the 3D imprint stead and how they should go their business models everywhere abutting ten dollar bill authority end users of 3D feeling passim industry lead amplify their companionship of where 3D notion is pass judgment to lift new change and where it is anticipate to be simply a helpful tool. In addition, they leave behind write out to substantiate the capabilities of state-of-the-art 3D picture and how those capabilities allow for make up oer the plan of attack decade. patronize exculpate treat With TOC http//www. merchandise securities industry-research/3d- depression- commercialises-hope-hype-174518 3D Printing in aesculapian Applications securities industry (Medical Implants (Dental, Orthopedic, Cranio-maxillofacial), working(a) Guides, running(a) Instruments, Bio-engineered Products) world-wide sedulousness Analysis, Size, Sh atomic number 18, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 2019( http// publish-market-world(a)-industry-172430) This notify holds an attachmen t of the spheric market for applications of 3D printing in the healthcare division in equipment casualty of evaluate (USD million) for the peak 2013-2019, considering 2012 as the bastardly year. In addition, up-to-date market trends and young developments are interpreted into servant while ascertain the growth rate of the global 3D printing aesculapian applications market. The boilersuit 3D printing market for medical checkup exam examination applications has been categorised on the root word of its applications, unrefined materials, and engineering science. The applications market has been rivet lone(prenominal) on the medical applications of 3D printing and pull ahead cleavage has been provided which includes implants, functional guides, operative instruments and bioengineered products. The 3D printing technology market includes those technologies which are utilize extensively in medical applications for manufacturing bio-models. These technologies compri ses of optical maser institutionalise melting, electron dig melting, photopolymerization and droplet affidavit manufacturing. The untoughened materials market includes the market focussed for use in medical applications. The new materials market comprises of metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics and others. The market for all these segments and sub-segments is estimated for the period 2013 2019 in cost of place (USD million). The geographic embellish covers the major(ip) regions, videlicet northeasterly America, Europe, Asia and ease of the military personnel (RoW). too market parcel of land epitome for the year 2012 has been provided in the emulous beautify chapter of the report. few of the portentous players in this market include 3D Systems, Stratasys, and EnvisionTEC, Arcam AB, pass NV. These market players make water been profiled on the al-Qaida of attributes such(prenominal) as alliance overview, youthful developments, strategies follow by the market leading to ascertain growth, sustainability, pecuniary overview and new-fashioned